How to Wear the Styles You Love

“I love Classic styles like simple jewelry, structured handbags, and tailored silhouettes, but going all-in on Classic styles doesn’t look right on my body type. How do I wear the styles I love and still look my best?”


I hear this question a lot, about every different archetype and season.

Conflict between what you like to look at and what looks good on your body can be one of the biggest difficulties when crafting your personal style, so if this is something you struggle with, read on!

Step One: Ask yourself what you like about the styles you admire

This may sound obvious, but make sure you’re not just reacting to how a celebrity or blogger looks in a certain style. Some of my clients have found that what they’re actually lusting after isn’t paper bag pants or millennial pink blazers, but the fantasy of a different body type or lifestyle.

Get specific. If you enjoy Romantic styles because you can’t get enough of florals and bows, write that down. If you enjoy Dramatic styles not because of a certain shape or item but because they feel powerful to you, make note.

Pinterest is a great tool for this. Try making a pinboard of stuff you flat-out love to look at (not just clothing!) and see what comes up for you.

Step Two: How can you make those elements work with your physical design?

If you love Romantic bows and florals, but they always look funny on you because your body type is more dramatic or linear, look for florals and bows that suit your proportions and angles. For example, you may not be able to wear a dress festooned with cabbage roses, but you can probably find a large-scale abstract floral you love. You may not get much style payoff from a pair of tiny bow studs, but you can find an oversized, sculptural bow-shaped belt or necklace.

If you love Dramatic styles because they feel commanding and in-charge, hunt around for the styles that feel commanding and in-charge on you. That might not be a long and sleek leather jacket with grommets - it might be a knit blazer with a rounded hem!

Step Three: Consider breaking the rules

If there’s a style you REALLY, REALLY LOVE, you might be happier just wearing it sometimes, even if you’re not “supposed to.” It’s unlikely to be the absolute worst thing you can put on your body, and even if it is? Every day is a new day. You might not choose to wear these pieces to important work meetings or big life events, but in my opinion, there’s zero harm in occasionally wearing something you like that doesn’t technically “work” for you! I know more than a few autumns who keep a tube of fuchsia lipstick around the house just for fun.

Step Four: Where else can you enjoy these styles?

I absolutely love blue and white china patterns, but they don’t look great on me and I’ve never been comfortable wearing them. Instead, I use these colors and patterns around my house, in curtains and dishes and paintings, where I can benefit from them visually without actually putting them on my body. Try buying a planner, a decorative pillow, a piece of art, a serving bowl, or a piece of furniture in the colors or styles you love. Nobody says your house has to match you!