Reflecting Your Internal Mosaic


I believe that as we grow up, we collect bits of information about ourselves. A sunny color here, a favorite story there; we piece these treasures into a mosaic whole, continually radiating outward from the center. Over the years, our shapes, colors, stories, tastes, and ideas change, and as artists constructing our internal masterpieces, sometimes we’ll take a little chisel and dig out a piece that no longer fits. Other times, we simply move outward, appreciating the old pieces for what they once meant to us.

We aren’t the same people we were in February of 2020. Our old clothes feel like remnants of a different time - reminders of a self we may not recognize much anymore. So many women have come to me in the past few weeks wanting their clothing and accessories to reflect a changed interior. Preparing for re-emergence into the world, we want our clothes to say “Here I am.”

Very few of us are born knowing the shapes and styles that help us sparkle. I certainly wasn’t. We’re all born whole, enough, and exactly who we’re meant to be, but we never stop learning about ourselves and the world around us.

You already have everything you need to reflect your internal mosaic and feel over-the-moon about your style.


Sometimes there’s a chasm between our professed desires and the actions we take to bring those desires into reality. It’s not uncommon for new clients of mine to tell me that they’ve struggled for years with what to wear, what to buy, and how to express their inside on the outside. Trapped inside this lack of knowledge and unsure how to move forward, sometimes they were afraid to even try.

Maybe you want to relish the ritual of getting dressed for work, knowing that your clothes will be a point of calm in your workday, or you want to feel polished at the playground with your kids, while knowing that you can still comfortably engage in play.

My particular passion as a stylist is helping my clients learn to integrate their lives, personalities, and bodies into a personal style that feels cohesive and real. Everything has a place here: all of your offbeat interests, your sensory preferences, your day-to-day routines, your relationships with others. You don’t have to do what anyone else is doing.

You just have to be you.

I love working with creative women who want to build unique and authentic wardrobes, whether that means a 30-piece capsule or a sprawling costume closet. There’s no wrong way to do personal style!